Culture and influence in the workplace


What is Workplace Culture

Work culture is the environment you create for your employees. It plays an important role in determining job satisfaction, relationships, and progress. It is the combination of organizational leadership, values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviors, and attitudes that contribute to the emotional and interpersonal environment of the workplace. These elements are generally unspoken rules that help build bonds between Colleagues.

How does culture affect the workplace?

The workplace environment is an important factor in every is identified how comfortable or harmful your organization's environment. This directly impacts how employees suit the organization and the organization's competence to attract and retain employees in its environment in their work. hence, from the initial recruitment process, both parties strive for cultural compatibility.


Why is Good Workplace Culture Important?

A positive work culture improves teamwork, boosts morale, increases productivity and efficiency, and increases employee retention. Increased job satisfaction, collaboration, and work performance. And most importantly, a positive work environment reduces employee stress.

Eight  reasons why organizational culture is important

1.      Increased employee engagement

2.      Decreased turnover.

3.      Elevated productivity

4.      Strong brand identity

5.      Transformational power

6.      Top performers

7.      Effective onboarding

8.      Healthy team environment

This video will  give you a clear insight into the impact of workplace culture on employee relations

How to build a healthy work environment?

Seven ways to build a healthy work environment.

Creating and maintaining a healthy work environment requires a winning strategy. Here are seven best practices you can follow to change your organization's culture for the better.

1. Give your employees a real voice

2. Show appreciation every day

4. Turn your values into more than just words

5. Create an environment of psychological safety and trust

6. Prioritize cultural alignment when hiring

7. Empower your team with what they need to succeed

In this article, I have made a  commentary on the overview of the Culture and influence in the workplace.  And I'm anticipating discussing each point widely in the next articles. 



Indeed Editorial Team (2021). 8 Reasons Why Organizational Culture is Important. [online] Indeed Career Guide. Available at:

Nobes, C. (2021). 7 Great Ways to Create a Healthy Work Environment. [online] Engage Blog. Available at: (n.d.). Organizational Culture (With Real World Examples)| Strategic Management | From A Business Professor. [online] Available at:

‌Lasitha Jayashantha Sandaruwan.


  1. Hi Lasitha, you have chosen a good topic for an expandable write-up. Under how to build a healthy work environment topic you have mentioned "prioritizing cultural alignment when hiring" do you think that this can be applied to the freshers?

    1. Yes, I do think that prioritizing cultural alignment when hiring can be applied to freshers. In fact, I believe that it is even more important to consider cultural alignment when hiring freshers than it is when hiring experienced employees. This is because freshers are still developing their professional identities, and they are more likely to be influenced by the culture of the organization they join.

      There are a number of ways to assess cultural alignment during the hiring process. One way is to ask candidates about their values and beliefs. You can also ask them about their experience in previous organizations and how they felt about the culture there. Additionally, you can observe candidates' behavior during the interview process. Do they seem to be a good fit for the company's culture? Are they respectful of others? Do they seem to be excited about the opportunity?

      By taking the time to assess cultural alignment during the hiring process, you can increase the chances of hiring employees who will be happy and successful in your organization.

  2. Hello Lasitha, this is a very well structured introductory article on workplace culture and it certainly sign posts quite a few topics for further discussion. As such, the section that lists 'seven ways to build a healthy work environment' seems vaguely worded. Could you please expand further on each of the points if possible and provide an example or two of how a company could implement the suggestions you have listed. Thank you for your time.

    1. Sure, I'd be happy to expand on the seven ways to build a healthy work environment.

      **1. ** Communicate effectively. Clear and open communication is essential for any healthy work environment. Employees need to feel like they can communicate with their managers and colleagues openly and honestly. This means that managers need to be approachable and willing to listen to feedback. It also means that employees need to be respectful of each other and avoid gossiping or spreading rumors.

      Example: One way to improve communication in the workplace is to hold regular team meetings. These meetings can be used to discuss important updates, answer questions, and get feedback from employees. It's also important to create an open door policy so that employees feel comfortable coming to their managers with concerns or questions.

      **2. ** Promote diversity and inclusion. A diverse and inclusive workplace is a healthy workplace. This means that employees from all backgrounds feel welcome and respected. It also means that the company is committed to creating an environment where everyone can succeed.

      Example: One way to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace is to create employee resource groups (ERGs). ERGs are groups of employees who share a common identity, such as race, gender, or sexual orientation. ERGs can provide a safe space for employees to connect with others who share their experiences, and they can also help to raise awareness of diversity and inclusion issues in the workplace.

      **3. ** Provide opportunities for professional development. Employees want to feel like they are growing and developing in their careers. Providing opportunities for professional development can help to keep employees engaged and motivated.

      Example: One way to provide opportunities for professional development is to offer tuition reimbursement. This can help employees to pay for college courses or other training programs. Another way to provide professional development is to offer mentorship programs. Mentorship programs can pair employees with more experienced colleagues who can provide guidance and support.

    2. **4. ** Celebrate successes. It's important to celebrate successes in the workplace. This can help to boost morale and create a sense of camaraderie.

      Example: One way to celebrate successes is to hold regular awards ceremonies. These ceremonies can be used to recognize employees for their hard work and accomplishments. It's also important to simply take the time to thank employees for their contributions. A simple "thank you" can go a long way in making employees feel appreciated.

      **5. ** Create a positive work environment. The physical environment of the workplace can have a big impact on employee morale. Make sure the workplace is clean, well-lit, and comfortable. It's also important to provide employees with the resources they need to do their jobs effectively.

      Example: One way to create a positive work environment is to provide employees with comfortable workspaces. This could mean providing ergonomic chairs, standing desks, or other tools that can help employees to stay comfortable and productive. It's also important to provide employees with access to natural light and fresh air.

      **6. ** Empower employees. Employees want to feel like they are empowered to make decisions and take ownership of their work. When employees feel empowered, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated.

      Example: One way to empower employees is to give them the authority to make decisions within their own areas of responsibility. This can help employees to feel like they are in control of their work and that their contributions are valued. It's also important to provide employees with the resources they need to make decisions, such as access to information and training.

      **7. ** Foster a culture of respect. A culture of respect is essential for any healthy work environment. Employees need to feel like they are respected by their managers, colleagues, and customers. This means that everyone needs to be treated fairly and with dignity.

      Example: One way to foster a culture of respect is to create a code of conduct that outlines the expectations for behavior in the workplace. This code of conduct should be clear and concise, and it should be enforced consistently. It's also important to provide training on diversity and inclusion so that employees can learn about the importance of respecting others.

      By following these seven tips, you can create a healthy work environment that is beneficial for both employees and the company as a whole.

  3. You mentioned the importance of workplace culture as teamwork, productivity, efficiency and so on
    But I did not see your view on the negative side of it. My argument is that when there is a high workplace culture, employee relationship will increase, which will leads inefficient work. These higher level of staffs will not be able to stop them or not able to control them doing frauds and increase of mistakes in work.

    1. That is a good point. There are some potential negative consequences of a strong workplace culture. For example, it can lead to groupthink, where employees are afraid to speak up or disagree with the majority. This can stifle innovation and creativity. Additionally, a strong workplace culture can make it difficult to hold employees accountable for their mistakes. Employees may feel like they are protected by the group, and they may be less likely to take responsibility for their actions.

      It is important to be aware of the potential negative consequences of a strong workplace culture. However, it is also important to remember that the benefits of a strong workplace culture often outweigh the risks. A strong workplace culture can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and employee satisfaction. It can also help to create a more positive and supportive work environment.

      Here are some tips for managing the potential negative consequences of a strong workplace culture:

      Encourage open communication and feedback. This will help to prevent groupthink and ensure that all voices are heard.
      Set clear expectations and goals. This will help employees to understand what is expected of them and how their work contributes to the overall success of the organization.
      Hold employees accountable for their actions. This will help to ensure that employees are held responsible for their mistakes and that they do not take advantage of the group.
      Create a culture of respect. This will help to create a more positive and supportive work environment where employees feel comfortable speaking up and disagreeing with others.

  4. Hi Lasitha. It's Interesting topic you have dropdown. I believe recruitment process play a big role when it’s come to maintain the good culture within organization. Because selecting wrong mind set will never positively influence organization culture. what would you think.

  5. Hi lasitha, very interesting ,good job and thanks to sharing such a good blog

  6. Your article provides a clear and concise explanation of workplace culture and its importance. I appreciate that you included specific reasons why organizational culture is important, as well as practical tips for building a healthy work environment.

    I think it would be helpful to expand on the concept of "cultural alignment" in the hiring process. What does it mean exactly, and how can organizations assess it during the hiring process? Additionally, you may want to consider including examples of companies that have successfully implemented positive work cultures and the benefits they have seen as a result.

    Overall, great job on providing a solid foundation for understanding workplace culture. I look forward to reading your future articles.

  7. Very interesting topic. More and more organizations should focus on this. Also in my opinion the workplace culture depends on generations. Earlier generations believed in hard working. Modern generation go after the quality of the job. The quality of the workplace, the quality of the work they are doing. What is your opinion on this ?

  8. The literature review presented in this article on the topic of workplace culture and its influence is well-researched and informative. The author has provided a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge on the subject and has included key concepts and ideas from various sources.

  9. Good Topic to discuss. Culture is such an important factor for positive vibes in an organization. It helps the continuous motivation of employees and reduce tardiness. In my opinion, organizational culture lies majorly on its own employees and management.

    1. I agree with you. Organizational culture is a set of shared beliefs, values, and attitudes that shape the way people behave at work. It can have a significant impact on employee motivation, productivity, and retention. A positive organizational culture can create a more productive and enjoyable work environment, which can lead to better employee performance and outcomes.

      There are a number of things that management can do to create a positive organizational culture. These include:

      Communicating the company's mission, vision, and values. Employees need to understand what the company stands for and what it values in order to be motivated to work towards its goals.
      Encouraging employee participation and feedback. Employees should feel like they have a voice and that their input is valued. This will help them feel more engaged and committed to the company.
      Providing opportunities for professional development. Employees want to feel like they are growing and developing in their careers. Providing opportunities for professional development will help them feel valued and appreciated.
      Creating a positive work environment. The physical environment of the workplace can have a big impact on employee morale. Make sure the workplace is clean, well-lit, and comfortable.
      Recognizing and rewarding employee achievements. Employees want to feel appreciated for their hard work. Make sure to recognize and reward employee achievements, both big and small.
      By taking these steps, management can create a positive organizational culture that will benefit both employees and the company as a whole.

  10. Hi Lasitha, I would like to add that a healthy workplace culture always reduces work stress and keeps employees physically and mentally happy, ensuring their wellbeing.


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