Training and Development


What is "Training and Development"?

Training and development is initiatives and educational activities within the organization to improve the staff's job performance. This training and development mainly affected the worker's knowledge, skills, and motivation to enhance job performance.

Why "Training and development" important for the company?

Employee Training and development programs important to the success of the business and company can reduce employee turnover. In fact, a 2019 report published in the international journal of Business and Management Research indicates that 90% of employees surveyed strongly agreed that training and development programs improved their satisfaction and productivity.

Methods of training and development.

Most training and development target more than one method. Because different training and development methods and Styles satisfied different employees. Then you can give the opportunity to your staff choice to learn in different ways depending on the circumstances. For instance, they might wish to learn by listening on one day and by watching on another.

Most effective employee training methods.

1).        Case Studies

2).        Coaching

3).        eLearning

4).        Instructor-Led Training

5).        Interactive Training

6)         On the Jon Training

7).        Video Based Training

 1). Case Studies

This type of training method is very important to improve critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. The Situation can be real or imaginary, but the context of employee training illustrates the situation at the work.

In this case Studies style learners read the case studies and then analyze and solve the issues individually or in a group. Then some solutions are might be better than others, depending on their assumptions.

Case Studies styles allow staff to learn at their working place, they are most useful for less complex topics.

2). Coaching

The coaching method another name is Mentorship, This coaching style should be an impactful and memorable learning experience for employees.

When experienced employees spend time and effort coaching new hires, those new hires will feel valued and supported. Highlight your mentor's time and effort and remember that it will pay off.

3). eLearning

An eLearning method based on computer-based training, that is delivered from a distance.

Advantage of eLearning.

·       Learners can go through the content and activities at their own place.

·       There is no need to hire an instructor.

·       It scales beautifully, so the number of simultaneous learners can increase tremendously.

4). Instructor-Led Training

Whether in person or online, an instructor-led training session is very much based on the dynamic of the classroom.

This method can academic-like classroom experience that may not seem thrilling to some learners, but This method has some significant advantages.

·       Learners can ask the instructor question that the material doesn’t cover at the same time.

·       Instructor can monitor learners' progress and their situation.

·       Learners and instructors can build a relationship with each other.

·       The complex topic is easier to teach others.

 5). Interactive Training

    This method has been potential to grab our attention and training is no different.          This method is highly effective. Learners can absorb more information.

Following are some examples of interactive training.

  • Roleplaying
  • Simulations
  • Game-Based training program.

6). On the Job Training

On the job training method is the employee learns through the experience of real activities at the work. On-the-job training reduces the time before the employee learn to begin performing their job activities. On-the-job training produces results quickly.

7). Video-Based Training.

This method is based on the visual video presentation. Its become popular because it can be way more interesting than traditional training methods. This method is highly entertaining as well. The video-based training is easily accessible and repeatable for the employee.

Training and Development Advantages and disadvantage


Advantages of Training and Development:

  • Ø  Up-skilling Employee
  • Ø  Less Supervision
  • Ø  Growth Opportunities for Individuals
  • Ø  Boost in Company’s Productivity
  • Ø  Better use of Resources

Disadvantages of Training and Development

  • Ø  Training & Skill Development Cost Time and Money
  • Ø  Sparing Extra time for Training can be Stressful for Workers
  • Ø  Training Sessions can be Complicated.
  • Ø  Lack of Interest
  • Switching to a New Job


The below video presentation will give a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of training and development. As a result, I'd like to request that everyone watch the video presentation.


Training and development focus on employee self-development. If employees are Continuously developed and trained in an organization. The organization's goals can be achieved by motivating and developing employees.

Reference (2017). Training and Development in HRM its Meaning, Definition, Purpose and Program. [online] HrHelpboard. Available at:

Maryville (2021). Importance of Training and Development for Employees. [online] Maryville Online. Available at:


Gore, E. (2022). 7 Types of Training Methods (and How to Choose). [online] ELM Learning. Available at: (n.d.). Advantages and Disadvantages of Training and Development. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Mar. 2023].

‌Lasitha Jayashantha Sandaruwan.


  1. How can organizations evaluate the effectiveness of their training and development programs?

  2. Training and development plays a vital role in creating a good and healthy workplace culture. I think you've covered almost every aspect of the training and development in this article.

  3. Hi Lasitha, nicely structured article. I would like to add that Training and development are very important for an organization to identify future leaders. An organization can develop talents within the organization through proper training and development processes; thus, it will be beneficial for succession planning as well.

  4. Hi Lasitha, thanks for publishing a detailed article. Training and development are very useful for any organization to minimize the gap between the organization's skill requirements and what an employee is able to deliver in his/ her capacity. Unfortunately, many leaders are of the view that filling this gap is solely an employee's responsibility.

  5. A key fundamental of HRM and it gives a clear picture to the reader. Training & Development is traditional but still a concept that stands out as significant in the moder HRM.

  6. This is a fundamental concept of HRM and takes ordinary talent to extra-ordinary talent. Al though T & D is traditional, it is still a key element of modern HRM principles. Thanks for the informative article.

  7. Interactive training is essential for HRM, and the latest trends include Gamification, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Microlearning, Social Learning, Personalized Learning, and Mobile Learning. These trends aim to make training more interactive, engaging, and effective, leading to improved employee performance and organizational success. Organizations are continuously working on these trends these days.


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